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> ukradnite motorku :)
příspěvek 21.02.2008, 17:43
Příspěvek #1

Skupina: Uživatel
Příspěvků: 16
Registrován: 10.10.2007
ID: 22670

premyslajte a ukradnite motorku z uzavretej garaza :)
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příspěvek 08.08.2008, 22:15
Příspěvek #2

Skupina: Uživatel
Příspěvků: 15
Registrován: 08.08.2008
ID: 26467

Zde je navod thumbsup.gif

1. Pri motore pod policami zoberte mobil
2. zo žltej krabice na polici zoberte zapaľovač, potom kliknite na about itmes a dvakrát na zapaľovač. Ten sa najprv otvorí potom zapáli
3. odsuňte stoličku pri počítači a tam pri rádiu najdete kľúčik do motorky a na zemi zrkadlo
4. v tej chladničke najdete háčik a pri koši CD
5. háčik zaveste na stenu pri prednom kolese motorky, jeden tam uz je a na neho to zrkadlo
6. pod predným kolesom nájdete baterku to počítača
7. vložte CD a baterku do počítača a pripojte telefón
8. spustite počítač a kliknite na disk a potom prijmite Email
9. v pošte na bráne bude potom list
10. kliknite na list a budete mat čistý papier.
11. na ten papier dajte zapalený zapalovač a objavý sa kód. ten je od predného kolesa
12. pri casopise pri pocítaci je zltý klúčik
13. za chladnickou je kufrík.
14. otvorte ho pomocou toho klúčika
15. tam je dialkove ovládanie na malú motorku ktorá je v pneumatikách pod policami
16. kliknete na teku modru vecicku v pneumatikách a pomocou toho ovládaca vytiahnite motorku
17. kliknite na malu motorku a na about items. potom dvakrat na motorku a pomocou ovládača roztočne koleso. tam je druhy kod.
18. vložte strieborny klučik do motorky a posunte ju. v zrkadle je prva cast tretieho kodu
19. na zemi pri prvom zámku je druhá cast kódu
20. zadajte kód a je to.....
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příspěvek 08.08.2008, 22:42
Příspěvek #3

Kvalitu postů nahrazuji kvantitou, žádný strach.

Skupina: V aktivaci
Příspěvků: 5830
Registrován: 21.05.2006
ID: 15063

na co prispivas do tak starejch topicu

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příspěvek 08.08.2008, 22:57
Příspěvek #4

Ikona skupiny

Skupina: CoD2 admin
Příspěvků: 7583
Registrován: 05.07.2006
Bydliště Plzeň
ID: 16142

QUOTE(Energizer @ 08.08.2008, 23:42) *
na co prispivas do tak starejch topicu

Aby upozornil na to, že má moc velkej podpis

*Ono z úrovně chodníku vypadá přijíždějící sanitka poněkud smysluplně...

*Lidský život je příliš velký na to, aby mohl být ztracen...
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příspěvek 08.08.2008, 23:00
Příspěvek #5

Now with extra spicy sauce
Ikona skupiny

Skupina: Guru
Příspěvků: 4959
Registrován: 29.08.2005
Bydliště Mlada Boleslav
ID: 8264

To je určitě wannabe-CoD2 admin :O

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příspěvek 08.08.2008, 23:03
Příspěvek #6

Ikona skupiny

Skupina: CoD2 admin
Příspěvků: 7583
Registrován: 05.07.2006
Bydliště Plzeň
ID: 16142

QUOTE(Kindlinho @ 09.08.2008, 00:00) *
To je určitě wannabe-CoD2 admin :O

a nebo wannabe-guru ;)

*Ono z úrovně chodníku vypadá přijíždějící sanitka poněkud smysluplně...

*Lidský život je příliš velký na to, aby mohl být ztracen...
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+Quote Post
příspěvek 08.08.2008, 23:06
Příspěvek #7

Now with extra spicy sauce
Ikona skupiny

Skupina: Guru
Příspěvků: 4959
Registrován: 29.08.2005
Bydliště Mlada Boleslav
ID: 8264


Taky pravda..

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příspěvek 09.08.2008, 10:20
Příspěvek #8


Skupina: Uživatel
Příspěvků: 3205
Registrován: 26.02.2006
ID: 13325

ale kokot to je tak i tak smile.gif

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příspěvek 09.08.2008, 14:00
Příspěvek #9

Skupina: Uživatel
Příspěvků: 15
Registrován: 08.08.2008
ID: 26467

QUOTE(vEprik? @ 09.08.2008, 11:20) *
ale kokot to je tak i tak smile.gif

To jako ja ?
Jen pockej ja si te najdu turned.gif

Aby upozornil na to, že má moc velkej podpis

Ok, uz sem ho odstranil

na co prispivas do tak starejch topicu

A neni to jedno ?
Nikde to zakazany neni tongue.gif
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+Quote Post
příspěvek 09.08.2008, 16:08
Příspěvek #10


Skupina: Uživatel
Příspěvků: 3205
Registrován: 26.02.2006
ID: 13325

QUOTE(colonel.Jack @ 09.08.2008, 15:00) *
To jako ja ?
Jen pockej ja si te najdu turned.gif
Ok, uz sem ho odstranil
A neni to jedno ?
Nikde to zakazany neni tongue.gif

najdes si me a co pak? ukradnes mi moji motorku na baterky ?
nikde to zakazany neni...tohle je pravidlo lidu...GPF lidu biggrin.gif

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příspěvek 09.08.2008, 16:34
Příspěvek #11

Skupina: Uživatel
Příspěvků: 15
Registrován: 08.08.2008
ID: 26467

JJ, moc chytry grin.gif t_closed.gif
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příspěvek 14.10.2009, 07:26
Příspěvek #12

Skupina: Uživatel
Příspěvků: 5
Registrován: 14.10.2009
ID: 32175

Language and Thought

by Dan Slobin of the University of California, Berkeley No one would disagree with the claim that language and thought interact in many significant ways. There is great disagreement, however, about the proposition that each specific language has its own influence on the thought and action of its speakers. On the one hand, anyone who has learned more than one language is struck by the many ways in which languages differ from one another. But on the other hand, we expect human beings everywhere to have similar ways of experiencing the world. (world of warcraft power leveling)

Comparisons of different languages can lead one to pay attention to 'universals'--the ways in which all languages are similar, and to 'particulars' --the ways in which each individual language, or type of language, is special, even unique. Linguists and other social scientists interested in universals have formulated theories to describe and explain human language and human language behavior in general terms as species-specific capacities of human beings. However, the idea that different languages may influence thinking in different ways has been present in many cultures and has given rise to many philosophical treatises. Because it is so difficult to pin down effects of a particular language on a particular thought pattern, this issue remains unresolved. It comes in and out of fashion and often evokes considerable energy in efforts to support or refute it. aion gold

Relativity and Determinism

There are two problems to confront in this arena: linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism. Relativity is easy to demonstrate. In order to speak any language, you have to pay attention to the meanings that are grammatically marked in that language. For example, in English it is necessary to mark the verb to indicate the time of occurrence of an event you are speaking about: It's raining; It rained; and so forth. In Turkish, however, it is impossible to simply say, 'It rained last night'. This language, like many American Indian languages, has more than one past tense, depending on one's source of knowledge of the event. In Turkish, there are two past tenses--one to report direct experience and the other to report events that you know about only by inference or hearsay. Thus, if you were out in the rain last night, you will say, 'It rained last night' using the past-tense form that indicates that you were a witness to the rain; but if you wake up in the morning and see the wet street and garden, you are obliged to use the other past-tense form--the one that indicates that you were not a witness to the rain itself. maple story mesos

Differences of this sort have fascinated linguists and anthropologists for centuries. They have reported hundreds of facts about 'exotic' languages, such as verbs that are marked or chosen according to the shape of an object that is being handled (Navajo) or for the relative ages of speaker and hearer (Korean). Such facts are grist for the mill of linguistic relativity. And, indeed, they can be found quite readily in 'nonexotic' languages as well. To cite a fact about English that is well known to linguists: It is not appropriate to say Richard Nixon has worked in Washington, but it is perfectly OK to say Gerald Ford has worked in Washington. Why? English restricts the present perfect tense ('has worked') to assertions about people who are alive. Exotic!

Proponents of linguistic determinism argue that such differences between languages influence the ways people think--perhaps the ways in which whole cultures are organized. Among the strongest statements of this position are those by Benjamin Lee Whorf and his teacher, Edward Sapir, in the first half of this century--hence the label, 'The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis', for the theory of linguistic relativity and determinism. Whorf proposed: 'We cut nature up, organize it into concepts, and ascribe significances as we do, largely because we are parties to an agreement to organize it in this way--an agreement that holds throughout our speech community and is codified in the patterns of our language' (Whorf, 1940; in Carroll, 1956, pp. 213-4). And, in the words of Sapir: 'Human beings...are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. ...The fact of the matter is that the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group' (Sapir, 1929; in Manlbaum, 1958, p. 162). wow gold

Investigating Language and Thought

How can such bold claims be substantiated beyond examination of individual languages themselves? If one takes the hypothesis seriously, it should be possible to show that Turks are more sensitive to evidence than are Americans, but that Americans are more aware of death than Turks. Clearly, the hypothesis cannot be supported on so grand a level. Rather, experimental psychologists and cognitive anthropologists have sought to find small differences, on controlled tasks, between speakers of various languages. Maybe Navajos are somewhat more sensitive to shapes of objects, for example.

The results have been mixed. In most cases, human thought and action are overdetermined by an array of causes, so the structure of language may not play a central causal role. Linguistic determinism can best be demonstrated in situations in which language is the principal means of drawing people's attention to a particular aspect of experience. For example, if you regularly speak a language in which you must pick a form of second-person address (you) that marks your social relationship to your interlocutor--such as Spanish tu ('you' for friends and family and for those socially subordinate) vs. usted ('you' for those socially above in status or for those with whom you have no close connection) or French tu versus vous--you must categorize every person you talk to in terms of the relevant social dimensions. (As a thought experiment of linguistic determinism, think of the categorizations of social relationships that would have to be made if Spanish became the common language of the United States.)

world of warcraft power leveling,Going beyond thought experiments, some of the most convincing research demonstrating some degree of linguistic determinism is being conducted under the direction of Stephen C. Levinson at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Levinson and his collaborators distinguish between languages that describe spatial relations in terms of the body (like English 'right/left', 'front/back') and those that orient to fixed points in the environment (like 'north/south/east/west' in some aboriginal Australian languages). In a language of the second type one would refer, for example, to 'your north shoulder' or 'the bottle at the west end of the table'; in narrating a past event, one would have to remember how the actions related to the compass points. Thus, in order to speak this type of language, you always have to know where you are with respect to the compass points, whether you are speaking or not. And Levinson's group have shown, in extensive cross-linguistic and cross-cultur studies, that this is, in fact, the case.

Much more research needs to be done, but it is not likely that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis will be supported in the strong form quoted above. For one, language is only one factor that influences cognition and behavior. For another, if the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis were really true, second language learning and translation would be far harder than they are. However, because language is so pervasive--and because we must always make cognitive decisions while speaking--weaker versions of the hypothesis will continue to attract scientific attention. (For a lively debate on many of these issues, with much new evidence from several fields, read Gumperz and Levinson 1996.)

Suggested Readings

Gumperz, J. J., and Levinson, S. C. 1996. Rethinking linguistic relativity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Lucy, John A. 1992. Language diversity and thought: A reformulation of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. ambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. world of warcraft gold
Sapir, E. 1929. "The status of linguistics as a science". Language 5. 207-14. Reprinted in The selected writings of Edward Sapir in language, culture, and personality, ed. by D. G. Mandelbaum, 160-6. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Whorf, B. L. 1940. "Science and linguistics". Technology Review 42: 227-31, 247-8. Reprinted in Language, thought, and reality: Selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, ed. by J. B. Carroll, 207-19. Cambridge, MA: The Technology Press of MIT/New York: Wiley. 1956.
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